Thursday, January 31, 2019

What A Time!

It's been a bit since I have written, but it isn't from a lack of ideas or material.  I have to purge my mind to see clearly. Okay, I can proceed.  This past week has been such a whirlwind.  The weather was super windy one day and -6 degrees F with snow showers the next.  Despite our furnace pumping out hot air, it was cool inside our home!  I wore a layer of long-johns under my Cuddleduds.  Then over them, I had a thick sweater.  Comfortable and toasty.

 There's good and bad news:
The federal employees are back to work!  Thirty-five days after closing down because of the non-agreement between our president and Congress, the almost 1 million Federal employees returned to their jobs. However, they've only been funded for three weeks.  I swear, I don't know what's behind all of this turmoil.

Our family has lost two matriarchs in South America.  The first, Esperanza Rodriguez de Cordova, died around the 19th of January and was my hubster's uncle Luis' widow.  She was ethnic Han Chinese and only three generations removed from Canton.  Her family, whose surname originally was Chan, adopted the surname of the ship's captain.  That surname?  Rodriguez.

The second death was a beloved sister to my husband, Alicia Cordova Bulgarin de Moran.  She passed away on the 25th of January and was buried the next day.  That's what they do down in the tropics, no hanging about.  My husband was deeply pained by her death and when he called Alicia's son to share condolences with him, they both broke down.  But the ladies now rest with God.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I am, however, glad to see you writing again.
