Jamie Fraser, you handsome man of my imagination! Tonight, Season 4 of Outlander continues the saga of Diana Gabaldon's book series.
That was last night. This is today. I just got back from the gym. I didn't go as long as I usually do. But when I got home, I saw there was a phone message from my youngest daughter, Renny. I got right on to FBMessenger and who was it my delight to see but my three grandsons!! GC, Dex, and Luca!
Have you ever had one of those days where it seems you are in a slapstick comedy? I did, on the way to the gym my windshield wipers are going. It had rained earlier today and my hubster had used my car to go to the grocery store. The darned things would not shut off!!!! This sort of thing ALWAYS happens to me. Get in the shortest line somewhere and watch the longest line finish before I get to the cashier or clerk. Get a really good manufacturer's coupon and find at the counter that it's last year's. That's me!
Loving your blog, Marge! Your grand-baby is precious!! I admire you for going to the gym. I need that kind of inspiration!